Pukkinosturin päivittäiset tarkastusmenettelyt

01. elokuuta 2023

A gantry crane is one of the most versatile and widely used pieces of equipment in various industries such as construction, manufacturing, and shipping. It is important to conduct a daily inspection of the gantry crane before use to ensure that it is safe and in good working condition. Here are the daily inspection procedures for a gantry crane that should be done by the operator or designated personnel.

teollinen pukkinosturi

1. Check the Warning Signs and Placards

Check the warning signs and placards mounted on the crane to make sure they are visible and in good condition.

2. Look for any Visible Damage or Defects

Visually inspect the crane for any visible damage or defects such as cracks, dents, worn or loose parts, and corrosion.

3. Check the Safety Devices

Check the safety devices such as limit switches, anti-collision devices, safety latches, emergency stop buttons, and overload protection devices to make sure they are functioning properly.

4. Inspect the Wire Ropes and Slings

Inspect the wire ropes and slings for any signs of wear, fraying, kinking, or corrosion. Also, check for proper attachment and lubrication.

Truss Gantry Crane

5. Verify the Load Capacity and Weight

Check the manufacturer's load capacity and weight rating for the pukkinosturi and make sure that the load being lifted falls within the safe range.

6. Test the Brakes

Test the brakes to ensure they are functioning correctly and can stop the crane effectively.

7. Review the Logbook

Review the logbook to check the crane's recent maintenance and repair work and ensure that it has been done correctly and on time.

8. Check the Surroundings

Check the surrounding area for any obstacles or potential hazards that may affect the operation of the crane.