Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei der Installation eines schienenmontierten Portalkrans

15. August 2022
Rail Mounted Gantry Crane

1. In the installation of the rail mounted gantry crane, a situation often occurs: the parts of the gantry crane are too long and cannot enter the site due to road problems. Therefore, the first thing to do is to make a delivery plan. Fully consider the emergency countermeasures for the emergence of this phenomenon.

The common method is to prepare a truck crane in advance. Once it is difficult for the transport vehicle to turn, use the truck to hoist the combination of the super-long part of the crane and the trailer, and cooperate with the tractor to turn.

Schienenmontierter Kran

2. Most of the main beams of rail mounted gantry cranes are transported to the site in sections. Docking assembly on site. After the assembly is soldered, look at the geometric dimensions. It is found that the mid-span camber and cantilever lift are different, and the values of mid-span camber and cantilever lift need to be adjusted immediately.

3. During the installation process, when the operator is required to work on the high-altitude components, the components must be firmly supported. And protective measures must be taken in accordance with the relevant standards and specifications for high-altitude work.

Rail Mounted Gantry Crane

4. After the Schienenportalkran installation is completed, if it is found that the connection flange point of the outrigger and the trolley beam is wrong, it must be adjusted. At this time, it is not necessary to dismantle each support or cable wind rope of the outrigger. Just cut the welding seam between the flange and the outrigger, adjust the viewpoint and then weld.

50T Portalkran

5. Before the Portalkran component is hoisted, a trial hoisting should be carried out to check the stress of each part. and the hoisting can be continued after it is normal.

6. When installing the crane, its orientation should be placed with the safety factor as the largest. And the load test can be carried out after the installation is completed and checked.