Onderhoudsriglyne vir Sleutelkomponente van Enkelbalk-oorhoofskrane

04 Apr 2019

8t single girder crane onderhoud wenke van oorhoofse hyskraan overhead crane cabin picture of Single Girder Overhead Cranes

Main girder of single girder overhead crane is usually composed of I-shaped steel or composite section. This type of crane equipment is widely used in workshops, warehouses and other construction sites. As safe operations of the equipment largely depend on operators, maintenance work should be done daily. Here, maintenance guidelines of key components are explained as below.

It is necessary to clean the motor shell of single girder overhead crane frequently, and pay attention to abnormal phenomena such as overheating, abnormal noise, abnormal vibration and so on.

As single girder overhead crane is a kind of intermittent operation equipment, it needs frequent start-up. During low-speed operation, ventilation and cooling will not be very good. And increase of instantaneous current has a certain impact on motors. At this time, it is necessary to check whether temperature of the motor is normal, and if it exceeds the operating range, it needs to be handled in time.

For key components such as reducer, brake, wire rope, hook, etc., inspection should be carried out in strict accordance with instructions. And inspection for fastener bolts of the equipment should be carried out frequently to check abnormally loose. As brake will have certain wear and tear during long-term usage, gap between internal components will also be offset. Then we need to disassemble and adjust the brake to meet requirements of instructions. 

Proper maintenance guidelines of the crane can not only prolong the service life of the machine, but also improve the working efficiency. I hope this article can help you!